
The Brazilian Chapter aims to pursue the mission of the ICON Society by conforming a forum for interdisciplinary debate concerning public law development, serving as a bridge between the local and international academy in relevant fields of public law.

The chapter seeks to work with the Society to promote awareness about its upcoming events globally and promote the work, incorporation and training of early career scholars and students, all within the framework of the society and its diverse academic spaces.

The Brazilian Chapter aims at offering a space for local legal scholarship to deepen its involvement in public law debates taking place on both a local and global scale, thus encouraging dialogue with scholars from diverse legal traditions, hence why it welcomes young scholars and practitioners from law and other social sciences to take part in what is expected to be a fruitful academic exchange within and outside of the chapter’s boundaries.

Chapter Members

The current Co-Chairs of the Brazilian Chapter are Juliana Cesario Alvim Gomes and Juliano Zaiden Benvindo.

The Executive Secretary is Emilio Peluso Neder Meyer.

Members of the Advisory Board include

  • Camila Villard Duran (University of São Paulo)
  • Daniel Wunder Hachem (Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná; Federal University of Paraná)
  • Diego Werneck Arguelhes (Insper – Institute for Education and Research)
  • Eduardo Jordão (Fundação Getulio Vargas Law School in Rio de Janeiro)
  • Emilio Peluso Neder Meyer (Federal University of Minas Gerais)
  • Eneida Desiree Salgado (Federal University of Paraná)
  • Estefânia Maria de Queiroz Barboza (Federal University of Paraná; Centro Universitário Internacional)
  • Jane Reis Gonçalves Pereira (State University of Rio de Janeiro- UERJ)
  • Juliano Zaiden Benvindo (University of Brasília)
  • Marta Machado (Fundação Getulio Vargas Law School in São Paulo)
  • Thomas Bustamante (Federal University of Minas Gerais)
  • Thomaz Pereira (Fundação Getulio Vargas Law School in Rio de Janeiro)
  • Virgílio Afonso da Silva (University of São Paulo)
  • Juliana Cesario Alvim Gomes (Federal University of Minas Gerais)
  • Gabriel Marques (Federal University of Bahia; Baiana Law School)
  • Ligia Fabris (Fundação Getulio Vargas Law School)
  • Adilson Moreira (Mackenzie Presbyterian University Law School)


  1. The ICON•S Brazil Conference took place on December 2-3, 2021. The conference focused on the role of courts in securing democratic stability in contexts of political polarization and rising authoritarianism and featured Tom Ginsburg and Luís Roberto Barroso speaking at the opening and closing of the event. The core of the Conference was structured in panels designed to give the opportunity for researchers to receive feedback from members of our board on the ongoing research and, with that in mind, the Chapter circulated a call for papers. This was the second ICON•S Conference as the Chapter endeavors to establish it as a mainstay of the Brazilian academic calendar.
  2. We have structured a webinar series organized on a monthly basis structured as independent panels chaired by different members of our board. The idea is to have an ongoing series discussing different current topics that are deemed relevant by our board members, both as a way to contribute to the continuing debates on public law and as a way to involve our board members in chapter activities. Each monthly webinar is chaired by a board member on a topic of their choosing and with the presence of participants selected by them. The first event took place on October 26, 2021 hosted by UFMG, and was a roundtable to discuss recent books on democratic erosion by Emilio Peluso Meyer and Tímea Drinóczi.
  3. In April 2021, the Chapter held the webinar “The Global South in Comparative Constitutional Law”, hosted by Insper (one of our partner institutions to discuss the book of the same name (edited by Dann, Riegner, and Bönneman), with several scholars from our board, from Humboldt University, and other institutions in Latin America.
  4. UFMG, one of our partner institutions, organized during 2021 a series of online seminars on Constitutionalism and Democracy with several international scholars (many of which affiliated with ICON•S), with the support of ICON•S Brazil, and organized by Emilio Peluso Meyer (one of our board members).
  5. So as to maintain staggered terms in our board, we have not filled all of our seats at the founding of the chapter and, as such, as per our bylaws, we are still in the process of electing new members to our board until it reaches its full size. In this process we have added (by means of an internal election, within our current board) two new members this year: Juliana Cesario Alvim Gomes (Federal University of Minas Gerais – UFMG) and Gabriel Marques da Cruz (Federal University of Bahia – UFBA; Baiana Law School). As such our Board has now 15 out of its 19 seats filled and we will continue to fill the remaining seats as per our bylaws. As we expand, we will maintain our commitment to the goal of having a board that is more representative of the ethnic, gender and regional diversity of Brazil.
  6. We have created an ICON•S Brazil twitter account @icon_brasil and recruited a team to manage it on a daily basis so as to keep it active and responsive to ongoing initiatives by ICON•S and its chapters as to contribute to publicizing them. For this team, we have invited four graduate law students (from the Federal University of Paraná, the State University of Rio de Janeiro, and the University of São Paulo).

Call(s) For Papers

There are no calls for papers open.

How to Become Involved With Our Chapter

If you are interested in joining the Brazilian Chapter, please email Professor Diego Werneck Arguelhes at

Social Media


Chapter Contact Information

ICON•S | The International Society of Public Law
40 Washington Square South
New York, NY 10012
United States

© 2025 ICON•S