The initiative to create an International Society of Public Law emerged from the Editorial Board of I·CON – the International Journal of Constitutional Law.

For several years now, I·CON has been, both by choice and pursuant to the cartographic reality of the field, much more than a journal of comparative constitutional law. I·CON has expanded its interests, its range of authors, its readers, its Editorial Board members, and above all, the issues it covers, to include not only articles in individual fields such as Administrative Law, Global Constitutional Law, Global Administrative Law and the like, but also – and increasingly so – scholarship that reflects both legal reality and academic perception; scholarship which, in dealing with the challenges of public life and governance, combines elements from all of the above fields with a good dose of political theory and social science.

The Society was officially launched at an Inaugural Conference that took place in Florence, Italy, on June 26-28, 2014.

The European University Institute and New York University School of Law sponsored this important event. The Conference combined the best practices of the genre. There were plenary sessions with invited speakers, commentators and floor discussions on themes that define and reflect the scope of the new Society. We also issued a “Call for Panels and Papers”.

The successful format of the Inaugural Conference has been replicated in our Annual meetings, held in New York (2015), Berlin (2016), Copenhagen (2017), Hong Kong (2018), Santiago de Chile (2019), online with ICON·S Mundo (2021), Wroclaw (2022), Wellington (2023), and Madrid (2024). Our forthcoming 2025 conference will be held in Brasília.

Such events both favored the growth of the Society – which counts over 1.000 active members – and the establishment of regional and national chapters.

ICON•S | The International Society of Public Law
40 Washington Square South
New York, NY 10012
United States

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