Carbon Guidelines

ICON•S strongly encourages all of its events and activities to be held on a carbon-neutral basis. Wherever possible, it encourages all members to offset the carbon footprint associated with travel to its events via the purchase of appropriate carbon offsets; and the hosts of global and chapter events to minimize the net carbon footprint associated with these events. To that end, ICON•S also commits to support hosts in achieving this goal including via appropriate advice and support for offsets for on-the-ground ICON•S activities.

ICON•S Anti-Sexual Harassment Policy

1. Anti–Sexual Harassment Officer: The Society shall appoint an Anti-Sexual-Harassment Officer from among the members of the Council or other senior members of ICON•S and notify members of the contact details for this person on the Society’s website. Preference shall be given in making this appointment to female members of the Society.

2. Home policies to govern: All members of ICON•S shall comply with the anti-harassment and non-discrimination policies of their home institution or research institute while attending ICON•S events and meetings and interacting in ICON•S fora (whether online or in person).

3. ICON•S incorporates here by reference the definitional section of the Anti-Harassment and Non-Discrimination Policy of New York University (NYU). Any member of ICON•S who is:

    • Not a member of a university or research institute; or
    • From a university or research institute that does not have an anti-harassment and non-discrimination policy, or whose policy:
      • does not cover their conduct while attending ICON•S events and meetings, or in interacting in ICON•S fora (whether online or in person), or
      • in the judgment of the ICON•S Anti-Sexual-Harassment Officer conflicts with the definitional substance of the NYU Anti-Harassment and Non-Discrimination Policy

shall be required to comply with the substance of the NYU Anti-Harassment and Non-Discrimination Policy while attending ICON•S events and meetings and interacting in ICON•S fora (whether online or in person): https://www.nyu.edu/about/policies-guidelines-compliance/policies-and-guidelines/anti-harassment-policy-and-complaint-procedures.html

4. Complaints: Any ICON•S member may enforce this policy by reporting an alleged breach to a member’s home institution or research institute and/or the ICON•S Executive Committee, via the Society’s Secretary-General. Prior to doing so, a member may consult formally or informally with the Society’s Anti-Sexual-Harassment Officer. The Executive Committee may also initiate its own investigative process absent any formal report.  National and regional chapters will be encouraged to identify and appoint persons to serve as general ombudspersons to serve as additional points of contact for advice on these policies.

5. Procedures: In a context where the ICON-S policy serves as the applicable policy and there is an allegation of a breach, the ICON•S Co-Presidents shall appoint an ad hoc committee to deal with the relevant allegation(s). Such committee will:

    • Follow procedures that promote fairness, transparency, and due process for both complainants and alleged violators, including an interview with both parties, the person who made the initial report (if different from one of the parties), and/or any other person who may have information regarding the incident;
    • Report findings to both parties; and
    • Recommend an appropriate sanction for any breach of the policy, which may include the temporary or permanent suspension of a member from the Society and its activities, as well as ineligibility for leadership roles within the Society and its chapter affiliates. The proposed sanction will require final approval from the Executive Committee.

6. Confidentiality: The Society will maintain the confidentiality of the complaint and the privacy of the persons involved, to the greatest extent possible, consistent with its goal of conducting a thorough and complete investigation and to the extent permitted by law.

Privacy Policy

About this policy
This Privacy Policy sets out the data processing practices of ICON•S | The International Society of Public Law (hereinafter ICON•S). It explains what types of personal information may be collected when you use the ICON•S website and how ICON•S will use this information. If you have any questions or concerns in regards to your personal information as it is handled by ICON•S or any questions in regards to these practices please contact the Secretary General of ICON•S via icons@icon-society.org. The name of the current Secretary General can be found on the Governance page of the ICON•S website.

2. About ICON•S and related purposes, use, and legal bases for data collection
ICON•S is an international learned society with members from all around the globe. Members include public lawyers (students, senior and junior scholars as well as interested practitioners), leading scholars and experts from other areas of law (such as civil, criminal, tax, and labor law), and scholars in the humanities and the social sciences. Driven by the realization of the intellectual cross-fertilization that can stem from disciplinary ecumenism and by the need to validate the emergence and autonomy of a new intellectual endeavor, ICON•S aims to re-contextualize constitutional law within other branches of public law by engaging with the porous boundaries between the disciplines of constitutional law, administrative law and international law, and between the national and the transnational. In order to advance its intellectual endeavor and mission, including providing its members with the best avenues for networking and the exchange of ideas internationally, ICON•S collects personal data of the users of its website and its members in order to advance its intellectual endeavor and mission. This purpose may also include the following reasons for collecting your personal data: when is it necessary for ICON•S to deliver part of its service; when it is necessary for ICON•S’ archiving and statistical purposes, or when otherwise required to perform statutory duties, perform ICON•S’ legitimate business purposes, or otherwise required by law. Membership in ICON•S may be complemented by membership in national chapters. Membership in a national chapter, however, is not the same as membership in ICON•S proper. Similarly, while certain individual members of ICON•S may participate in organizational activities and events at both the ICON•S level and at the national chapter level, the organization and management of ICON•S events, including the collection and management of data, is distinct from the organization and management of national chapters and national chapter events. Individual members may voluntarily self-report membership in an ICON•S national chapter on the ICON•S membership form. For any inquiries related to data collection by national chapters for their separate membership or conferences, please contact the national chapter leadership. ICON•S is an international learned society which operates as part of New York University School of Law.

The legal business address of ICON•S is:

ICON•S | The International Society of Public Law
40 Washington Square South, New York
New York 10012
United States

The relevant contact person for data protection issues related to ICON•S is:

Tolga Ergunay
Associate Dean, Innovation
Chief Information Officer
New York University School of Law
40 Washington Square South, New York
New York 10012
United States

As a data controller, ICON•S is obliged to inform its members about  what personal data the Society collects how the Society collects personal data (including the context in which it has been collected) how the Society uses the data it collects if ICON•S shares the data with third parties, who these third parties are and what data is shared with them and for what purpose who has access to the personal data ICON•S collects and how to be in touch with the ICON•S officer that maintains the records the option for members to opt-out of membership and have personal data removed This Privacy Policy fulfills notice to members and their right to be informed.

When signing up for membership in ICON•S, members will be asked to explicitly consent to all of the above uses of data mentioned in this Privacy Policy. By providing explicit consent to this Privacy Policy members are also consenting to previous similar uses of their data before the implementation of this Privacy Policy. If ICON•S implements a new use of the personal data they have collected, such as transferring data between ICON•S and various national chapters, members will be asked to explicitly consent to this new use of data.

3. Information Collection

How ICON•S collects information

ICON•S collects information through its website, www.ICON•Society.org.  When members or non-members correspond with ICON•S via e-mail, ICON•S may collect personal information from the e-mail, such as the e-mail address or other contact details. ICON•S may collect information from national ICON•S chapters, named on the ICON•S website, including data related to the chapter leadership, although ICON•S and national chapters are separate entities. ICON•S may also collect information about its members that is publicly available online.

Details on the information ICON•S collects and the manner of collection

a) Use of the ICON•S website

When using the ICON•S website, ICON•S will collect information about your computer, your operating system and your browser for system administration and in order to provide the users of the ICON•S website with the best user experience. This information will be part of statistical data about how users use the ICON•S website. This information will not be used by ICON•S to identify any individual, nor does this collection allow identification of individual users in the first place.

To gather this information about your computer, your operating system and your browser as described above, ICON•S uses cookies. A cookie is a small file of letters and numbers that will be placed on the users’ device. Cookie files allow us to distinguish users on the ICON•S website. ICON•S uses cookies to provide its users with a better user experience when they browse our website. Cookies also help ICON•S to continue to improve its website.

Our website uses mandatory cookies that you will have to accept if you want to use our website as they are critical for the use of our website. Below we describe what cookies we use.

If you use the ICON•S website without logging into your ICON•S account, the following cookies will be used on our website. When you access our website, three session cookies will be created on your computer. These cookies contain the date of your visit, how often you accessed the website as well as a session stamp. These cookies have to be accepted if you want to use our website. These cookies will be deleted once you leave our website.

If you use the ICON•S website and also log into your ICON•S account, our website will use three additional cookies. These files contain the ID of your personal profile as well as additional data that is necessary to allow you to use our website properly (like time zone or user management data). These files are mandatory if you want to use the internal part of our website. These cookies will be saved on your computer up to 365 days, if you allow your browser to remember that you are logged in on our website. Otherwise, these cookies are deleted.

b) ICON•S account

To sign up for membership ICON•S requires a member to create an account. This account will require the user to provide a username, give their first name and last name, their title, their primary affiliation as well as a physical address and their e-mail address, their date of birth, to select a gender, share their occupational background, and provide their academic status. ICON•S also requires the creation of a password to sign up for membership. In addition, a member may choose to share with the society their title, their nationality, secondary and tertiary affiliations, their fields of research, and whether they are from a non-OECD country. After purchasing an active membership, the account will also contain data on the user’s membership level. Members are responsible for keeping their account information, including e-mail and other contact information, up to date. This required and optional data will ordinarily be stored on secure servers that are managed by the New York University School of Law Information and Technology Service (hereinafter NYU Law ITS). Once a member registers on the ICON•S website and subsequently signs in to the ICON•S website, the member is no longer anonymous to the website.

In addition to this information collected upon signing up for a membership, ICON•S may collect substantive information through the ICON•S website on general academic topics, and accompanying titles of panels and papers, if you choose to submit a paper or panel with an accompanying abstract to the annual ICON•S conference. Submission of a fully-formed panel by one member entails sharing the names, email addresses, and institutional affiliations of fellow panelists. ICON•S disclaims any liability associated with the information shared by the panel submitter about other panelists. By submitting a panel a member certifies to ICON•S that they have obtained consent from individual panelists to share their personal information with ICON•S.

During registration for the annual conference, members are asked to indicate their dietary preferences and choices (for example, vegetarian meals) which may infer religious beliefs. In addition, members may share with ICON•S further sensitive personal information to facilitate appropriate facilities or accommodations at the annual conference.  Sensitive personal data may by necessity be shared with organizers and administrators of the annual conference, including members of the ICON•S leadership team and third parties (see also Conference below).

The personal data mentioned in this section is stored on our own secure servers that are managed by NYU Law ITS as long as the user’s membership is active and/or until the ICON•S account is deleted. ICON•S reserves the right to delete ICON•S accounts that have not been accessed for more than two years.

c) Emails and videoconferencing

ICON•S uses Mailchimp, a mass email service provider, to contact its members on Society matters via email. Upon creation of an ICON•S account some of your personal data (username, first name, last name, email address, and if applicable membership level) will automatically be added to our membership email lists that are facilitated by Mailchimp. The email lists are stored on Mailchimp servers. Mailchimp’s privacy policy is available here: https://mailchimp.com/legal/privacy/#3._Privacy_for_Contacts. By creating an ICON•S account you consent that your account will be added to our Mailchimp email lists.

You do have the opportunity to opt-out of these emails by unsubscribing at any time from these email lists via a link that is provided to you via the footer of the emails that are sent to you. You may also request that your data will be deleted from our Mailchimp email lists. Please contact us via icons@icon-society.org.

ICON•S will also use your email address to send you a number of automated emails that are generated by our website (invoice, receipt emails, password recovery, etc.). By creating an account you consent to the use of your email address for these purposes. In order to use the ICON•S account, you will have to accept the use of your email address for these purposes.

ICON•S uses Zoom for its online and video conferencing events. If registration is required for an event, members may be required to provide registration data (name, email, institution, country) for the event. This data will be collected by Zoom on Zoom’s servers on behalf of ICON•S and will only be used for the purposes of the event. Users will receive emails from Zoom in this context in order for users to receive access to the event, reminders, and evaluations. The data collected through Zoom for ICON•S events online is used for the specific event only and will be deleted after the event. Zoom’s privacy policy is available here: https://zoom.us/privacy-and-legal. When users take part in these online events, users consent to Zoom’s privacy policy.

ICON•S may, in the future, subscribe to or use other videoconferencing platforms, including Skype, Google Meet, or others. In those cases, by taking part in events on those online platforms users consent to the specific videoconferencing platform’s privacy policy.

d) Membership payment

Active membership in ICON•S requires the payment of an annual membership fee. When members choose to pay for an active membership in ICON•S they are redirected to Stripe, our payment provider, where their payment will be processed. In order to facilitate this, we transfer the membership level that you want to purchase as well as your billing data to Stripe. All financial data relating to your payment (credit card data) will be collected on Stripe servers. Stripe will only share the last four digits of your credit card number with us. Stripes privacy policy is available here: https://stripe.com/en-de/privacy. Users who proceed to pay for the membership will have to agree to Stripes privacy policy as well.

Together with Stripe ICON•S follows the Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standard.

e) Annual conference

Our annual conferences are an important part of our Society’s life. In order to be able to organize them, ICON•S needs to use your personal data and share portions of that data with the annual conference’s hosts.

We also transfer name and institutional affiliation and the academic content to the hosts; we usually do not share email addresses or address data.

By indicating a dietary preference or choice and sharing sensitive personal information to facilitate appropriate facilities or accommodations a member allows ICON•S to share this sensitive personal data for the required purposes. When working with third parties, including academic institutions hosting the annual conference, ICON•S will ensure that these third parties’ use of the personal data shared by ICON•S is compliant with pertinent and applicable data protection laws and this policy.

The annual conference proceedings are photographed and portions of the conference may be filmed and live streamed on the internet. By participating in the conference, members and other attendees consent to being photographed and recorded. This content may be used to promote ICON•S and future events on the ICON•S website and on social media platforms. Members and/or participants of the conference grant ICON•S and its agents a perpetual, non-exclusive license to use the images and videos in any manner or media without notifying the member and/or participant, such as on the ICON•S web sites and in related publications, promotions, broadcasts, advertisements, posters and slides. The member and/or participant waives any right to inspect or approve the finished media or any printed or electronic matter that may use the report. The member and/or participant also waives any right to be compensated for this use. The member and/or participant releases ICON•S and its agents, including any third party authorized to publish, distribute, or adapt any parts of the images or video, from any claims, damages or liability which the member and/or participant may ever have in connection with the use of images or video taken at the conference, or any associated printed material.

Similarly, ICON•S may record and/or stream online event hosted through the Zoom video conferencing software platform. Following the technology practices of Zoom, users will be asked to consent to participating in a recorded event. Users and participants in the event do have the they do have the option to choose not to reveal themselves online by turning their video off and not comment during the event, whether through audio or written means, including chat. If the event is live streamed, such live streaming is clearly indicated on the screen, and, by continuing to participate in the event, users consent to the display and publication of their image, if applicable. The user, member and/or participant waives any right to inspect or approve the finished video media. The user, member and/or participant also waives any right to be compensated for the use of the recording or the livestream. The user, member and/or participant releases ICON•S and its agents, including any third party authorized to publish, distribute, or adapt any parts of the video recording, from any claims, damages or liability which the member and/or participant may ever have in connection with the use of the video or associated material.

Should you, as an ICON•S member or participant at the conference not wish to be photographed and filmed, or do not wish your photograph or image to be shared, you must contact the Secretary General of ICON•S prior to the conference at icons@icon-society.org  to explicitly revoke your consent to be photographed or filmed.

4. How ICON•S uses your personal data
ICON•S uses its members’ personal data for the purpose of facilitating the mission of the Society dealing with members’ inquiries and requests administering membership records and gathering statistical information providing members with information about ICON•S events, elections, and the annual conference, as well as other administrative notices regarding the Society, including annual ICON•S elections and candidate notices  to provide membership and annual conference registration services to exchange information with third parties, including academic institutions hosting the annual conference and other organizations assisting in planning, and  to maintain information as a general tool and resource for the ICON•S leadership team.

When these uses include the transfer of data to third parties, ICON•S will ensure that these third parties’ use of the personal data shared by ICON•S is compliant with pertinent and applicable data protection laws and this policy.  When personal data is used as a resource by the ICON•S leadership team, ICON•S makes sure that such personal information (on paper and electronically) is kept secure, and only makes information accessible to those individuals on the leadership team who have a right to access it for the purposes delineated above.

In order to keep its members updated on Society matters including its annual conference, ICON•S uses its members’ personal data to send e-mails to its members and conference participants. By signing up for a membership, you consent to ICON•S’ use of your personal data for this purpose. ICON•S may utilize the services of third parties for this. When doing so, ICON•S will ensure that these third parties’ use of the personal data shared by ICON•S is compliant with pertinent and applicable data protection laws and this policy.   Members and/or participants may revoke their consent to ICON•S to use their personal data to send these emails by contacting the Secretary General of ICON•S via icons@icon-society.org.

How ICON•S stores and shares your information

Information which you provide ICON•S is ordinarily stored on secure servers that are managed by NYU Law ITS.  As part of legitimate purposes of the data’s use, it may be necessary for ICON•S to share members’ information to locations throughout the world. In all cases of the sharing of personal information ICON•S will ensure that these third parties’ use of the personal data shared by ICON•S is compliant with pertinent and applicable data protection laws and this policy.

Members and/or conference participants will be asked to consent to any new sharing of data which is not already specified in this policy.

ICON•S does not store any other financial data than the last four digits of the members credit card. All payment transactions are facilitated with the help of Stripe. If ICON•S receives an email containing any credit or debit card details, the e-mail will be immediately deleted, no payment will be taken and the person (member or non-member) will be notified about this procedure. All membership payments should be completed through the ICON•S website and the Stripe payment gateway.

During the annual conference, personal data may be shared with the third party hosting academic institution. Third party academic institutions may be located anywhere in the world and be of any nationality. Personal information that is necessary for the conference organization will be shared by ICON•S with the third party hosting academic institution for conference organization purposes. This personal data may include dietary choices and preferences, potentially sensitive personal data which may only be shared with members’ express consent through an opt in procedure. These third party organizations will be asked to only store and retain any personal information ICON•S shared with them for a time period that serves the original purpose for which it was collected, or as long as required by law.

ICON•S may share its membership database, or the personal information you share when signing up for membership in ICON•S, with national chapters or with third-party organizations seeking to contact ICON•S members directly after obtaining your express consent.

ICON•S may disclose personal information to third parties if it is under a legal duty to disclose or share such information. ICON•S may have to respond to lawful requests from public authorities to disclose information about you.

5. Data Retention, Consent to Collection and Use of Data, and Opt Out
A member has the option, at any time, to opt out of ICON•S’ collection of their data, in other words, to have their data removed from the ICON•S website and/or membership database by canceling their membership in ICON•S. Such an opt-out removal entails deletion of the membership account and membership in ICON•S. To request erasure or deletion of your personal data please contact the ICON•S Secretary General.  Once a member has opted out, ICON•S will also contact any third party academic institutions to communicate the erasure of the member’s personal data, unless it is impossible or involves an undue burden to do so. If a member does not request to opt out, ICON•S will keep their personal data so long as is necessary to administer the relevant membership.Opting out allows you to revoke your consent to ICON•S’ processing of your personal data, to request erasure or deletion of your personal data, and object to ICON•S’ processing of your data. In addition, as a member you may also, following your rights under the European General Data Protection Regulation, request access to their personal data collected by ICON•S, request the rectification of your personal data or correction of inaccuracies, request the restriction of your personal data under certain circumstances, request portability of your data, or a machine-readable copy, where technically possible under certain circumstances.

As part of the right to object to the processing of your data, members and/or conference participants also have the right to lodge a complaint with ICON•S about the way in which their personal data is collected, processed, stored, and/or shared. ICON•S will respond to inquiries and complaints regarding personal data from members within a reasonable time. Access to and rectification of your data can be obtained by logging in to your member profile on the ICON•S website or by filling out NYU’s request access to data form here. If a member rectifies their data, ICON•S will contact any third party academic institutions to communicate the rectification of the member’s personal data, unless it is impossible or involves an undue burden to do so. Restriction of data, in which members allow ICON•S to store their personal data, but not to further process or share it, can be obtained by contacting icons@icon-society.org. A member can obtain the personal information they have provided to ICON•S and which ICON•S has retained about them in a structured, machine readable format by contacting icons@icon-society.org. This structured, machine readable format allows members to transmit their data to a different data controller.In addition, data subjects have several possibilities to lodge a complaint. Members can file a complaint with ICON•S officers first as they appear above. If they are not happy with the response, members can bring their complaint before an Alternative Dispute Resolution body or before a Data Protection Authority based in any EU Member State.

6. Changes to this Policy
ICON•S may update this policy from time to time. In the event that significant changes are made to this policy, ICON•S will notify its members via mass e-mail at the e-mail addresses provided during member registration. ICON•S will also place a prominent notice of the significant changes to this policy on the ICON•S website. Members and third parties will be asked to provide explicit consent to any future significant changes to this policy.

ICON•S | The International Society of Public Law
40 Washington Square South
New York, NY 10012
United States

© 2025 ICON•S