The ICON•S Committee on New Directions in Scholarship invites you to join us in conversation in the
New Scholarship Showcase, a series of monthly virtual events dedicated to new books in public law.
This event will feature a discussion on Freedom of Expression: The Revolutionary Roots of American and Frenc Legal Thought (Cambridge University Press, 2022) by Ioanna Tourkochoriti (University of Galway).
The authors will offer an overview of the book, followed by comments from Mark Graber (University of Maryland) and Eleonora Bottini (Université de Caen Normandie).
The event will be chaired by Antonia Baraggia (Milano Statale University).
Date: 27 June 2023
Time: 2-3 pm London | 9-10 am New York

Two legal systems founded on similar Enlightenment philosophical and political values use state coercion differently to regulate a liberty at the core of the Enlightenment: freedom of expression. This comparative study of France and the United States proposes a novel theory of how the limits of freedom of expression are informed by different revolutionary experiences and constitutional and political arrangements. Ioanna Tourkochoriti argues that the different ways freedom of expression is balanced against other values in France and the United States can be understood in reference to the role of the government and the understanding of republicanism and liberty. This understanding affects how jurists define the content and the limits of a liberty and strike a balance between liberties in conflict. Exploring both the legal traditions of the two countries, this study sheds new light on the broader historical, social and philosophical contexts in which jurists operate.